GATT SensorData Protocol specification

(Note: This document has been revised and reformatted from official Movesense Ltd. document GD-77 "GATT SensorData Protocol specification" version 1.0 )

The purpose of this document is to describe and specify the structure, syntax and functionality of the GATT SensorData Protocol between Movesense sensors and a generic BLE central device.

GATT SensorData Protocol

The purpose of the GATT SensorData Protocol (“GSP”) is to provide a simpler communication protocol in order to communicate with Movesense MD sensor from devices that do not have a possibility to use Whiteboard protocol (MDS). Such devices are typically laptops or Linux based gateway computers, such as Raspberry Pi that have become increasingly popular in data gathering or as parts of larger sensor solutions. GSP is built on top of BLE GATT protocol layer.

GATT Layer

From point of view of BLE, the GATT SensorData Protocol is built as a simple bi-directional data pipe. The protocol uses a single write characteristics implemented by the sensor (GATT server) to transmit simple commands to the sensor. The data (command responses and data) are returned on a simple notification characteristic as data notifications:

The UUID’s are chosen so that they all use the same 128-bit “root UUID”. This saves resources on sensor because the Bluetooth stack only needs to use RAM to store a single 128-bit UUID.

The consequences of using Notify type response channel are: * Faster sensor->client communication (no bidirectional communication) * Delivery of responses is not guaranteed

Protocol definition (GSP version: 1)

The GSP protocol v.1 consists of a small amount of commands that map almost directly to corresponding Whiteboard requests. Correspondingly the sensor responds mostly with response-messages. The command and response are tied together by a client chosen 8-bit “reference code”. This way, the sensor is free to process the commands asynchronously and there is no issue with interleaved commands and their responses. The following chapters define the generic command packet format, all the available commands and the formats of the responses to each command.

Command packet format (All commands)

All GSP commands are structured as follows:

Command response packet format (Response code = 1)

A typical response to a normal command is formatted as follows:

Any commands that have a different response format, are documented below in Commands section.



Command ID: 0

Reference code: uint8



Command ID: 1

Reference code: uint8 (Note: reference code must be unique until UNSUBSCRIBE)

Data: WB resource path as utf8 string. (Example: “/Meas/Acc/13”)


Data stream (multiple packets until unsubscribed or disconnect occurs):


Command ID: =2, (uint8)

Reference code: uint8, MUST match the one given in the SUBSCRIBE-command



Command ID: 3

Reference code: uint8, (Note: reference code must be unique until end of log transfer)

Data: uint32 (little endian), the logID of the log to fetch


Data stream

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the client to check returned file integrity. This can be achieved by keeping track on the data packet offset and lengths and making sure that there are no holes in the received data.

NOTE2: To avoid hanging of the client app in case the end of log markers have been lost during transfer, it is recommended to implement “end of transfer” logic based on timeout without receiving any data packets.

NOTE3: The data stream is the data available from the /Mem/Logbook/byID//Data -resource, and it may lack the data descriptors on the non-flash variants.


Command ID: 4 (uint8)

Reference code: uint8

Data: WB resource path as utf8 string. (Example: “/Meas/ECG/Info”)



Command ID: =5, (uint8)

Reference code: uint8

Data: no data



Command ID: =6, (uint8)

Reference code: uint8




Command ID: 7

Reference code: uint8

Data: uint8, the new system mode (see: Movesense API documentation)



Command ID: 8

Reference code: uint8

Data: uint64, utc time in microseconds since 1970-01-01 midnight


Note: This command combined with the v. 2.2 feature “/Time/Detailed -subscription” can imbed the time details (RelativeTime vs UTC time mapping) into the logbook data during the datalogger recording.


Command ID: 9

Reference code: uint8

Data: uint8, the new DataLogger state


GSP binary format

The GSP GET command returns the API responses as a binary encoded objects that follow closely the structure defined in the API Swagger (.yaml) files. The format is defined as follows: