Mobile software development overview

General info

As already described in the Movesense System Overview, communication between the sensor and mobile is utilizing the Whiteboard protocol as default. This documentation is based on that assumption. If you however decide / have decided to utilize the possibility to communicate via custom GATT service directly (or use only advertizing data), this documentation is not the best for you. You can find already a lot of articles in internet describing that with examples.

System Architecture


MDSLIB is a library provided by Movesense, that will act as a wrapper for the low level whiteboard communication and makes the Movesense communication easier for the app developers. There is two versions available (iOS and Android) that are built in sync and will both update when any changes needs to be released.

MDSLIB is only handling the communication based on Whiteboard. Developer needs to implement their own bluetooth scan and device list for getting the advertizing information from Movesense sensor. By getting the UUID and/or ble mac address (Android only) of the Movesense sensor and feeding it to the MDSlib establishes the connection between MDSlib and Movesense sensor. After connection is established, you can communicate with the sensor via MDSlib's REST type interface using JSON as data format. Examples of usage can be found from the Movesense-Mobile-Lib repository.

How to get started?

Best way to get started is to just clone the Movesense-Mobile-Lib repository. and start checking that out.

For reference, you can build both platform demo/showcase versions from the repository as is and it should work with the current firmware release available for the Movesense sensor.

For iOS, there is a showcase APP available in Apple App Store. The source code of the showcase APP can be found from the Movesense mobile lib repository (iOS).

For Android, the Showcase app is not yet available in play store , but you can always compile it and other sample app(s) in the Movesense mobile lib repository (Android).

Installing the development environment is similar to whatever apps you may want to create on Android & iOS. So basically for Android, just install Android Studio and for iOS you have to install xcode. Searching the web for instructions on how to install app development environment might come useful if you have no previous experience.