Create a wearable device easily
Movesense sensors and development tools provide a shortcut to bringing new wearable solutions to market. Commercializing your own wearable sensor concept probably couldn’t be easier than using ready-made, proven Movesense sensors.
Movesense takes care of device design, sourcing, manufacturing, production quality and other difficult and time-consuming practical matters. You can focus on building the best possible value and user experience for the end user and promoting the commercial success of your solution. If needed, we can even help developing your own custom sensor firmware.
Getting started with Movesense is simple. Just get a sensor, install Movesense Showcase app on your phone, and start collecting raw sensor data. With our open API’s, you can quickly integrate the sensor with existing applications. To build your own use case specific, energy optimized sensor app, there’s plenty of sample code, a desktop simulator and other useful tools available. Find the tools in the Resources section.