Join us for the first Movesense get-together on Tuesday, June 13! The event is taking place at Amer Sports HQ in Vallila, Helsinki, Finland. It is intended for companies who are already working on their projects as part of the Movesense beta program.
The target is to get to know each other, to hear about the different projects and, to get an overview of the Movesense platform status. We plan to make this kind of meetups a regular way of working to foster the Movesense network and are now collecting experiences of how to best do it.
This is your opportunity to meet developers from other companies who are also working on Movesense projects, to chat with the best Movesense experts from Suunto, and to give your input to the future of Movesense!
Preliminary agenda:
13:00 Opening
13:10 Movesense overall status and roadmap
13:30 Movesense project examples 1 – 3, presented by network members:
Ain1 – Knee rehabilitation
Runteq Zoi – Running technique analysis
Taiste – Bokken practice analysis.
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Breakout sessions and networking
16:00 Closing.
The networking part will be used for open discussion and sharing of experiences in smaller groups. Movesense tech experts from Suunto will be available for techincal questions.
The event is free of charge but a registration is needed. 40 participants will fit in. Priority is given to participants who are already working on their Movesense projects. Sign up now!
After the event, there is an opportunity to visit Amer Sports Brand Store, located in the same building.
Practical details:
Tuesday June 13, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Amer Sports Corporate HQ
Konepajankuja 6
00511 Helsinki