New movesense-device-lib (v. is out in Bitbucket!
This update includes major improvements and new features in the sensor API and eliminates a Bluetooth related bug that some developers have experienced recently.
New features include an option to set sampling rate (13/26/52/104/208 Hz) and measurement range (e.g. 2/4/8/16 G for accelerometer) and power off. The release also reduces dramatically power consumption of the sensor.
Idle mode now consumes about 20 micro Amperes and Power Off takes the level down to 5-10 uA. Acceleration sensor burns about 150 uA, gyroscope about 500 uA and Magnetic field sensor about 150 uA, each measured with the sampling rate of 13 Hz. We continue to work on this and have still some opportunities to reduce the current consumption especially in power off mode.
In the last minute testing we discovered some little bugs in the release that we’ll take care of with a quick fix release in the next few days.
The next major firmware release will be the Level 1 public beta that is planned for early July. It will include a wake-up logic, gear API with the ability to read the Movesense connector ID, a generic heart rate API, a BLE API and more. This should be feature complete and future compatible.
We are also busy working on the mobile library as well as on documentation that are currently a bit behind the device library development.