Movesense 1.0.0 Firmware is here!
The 1.0.0 embedded software version for the Movesense sensor is now available for developers! We have concentrated on finalizing the basic feature list and optimizing BLE connection between the sensor and mobile. Also, the overall quality of the firmware has improved remarkably from the previous published version 0.9.1.
What’s new:
- Support added for Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) for easier orientation tracking
- Bluetooth advertising messages of the Movesense sensor are now customisable. With this, you can make the sensor advertise, for instance, the name of its owner.
- Easier monitoring of system state changes through System/States API
- Optimized power and memory consumption
- Lots of bug fixes and stability improvements – these took the most time to make us feel comfortable releasing it.
Please note that the 1.0 version has been tested with the latest production hardware only. The picture below explains how to know if the sensors you use are of this latest build.
We have had several hardware and firmware versions during the development project. Should you have compatibility issues between the version that you are currently using and the new 1.0.0, let us know via We’ll swap old sensors to new free of charge to make sure that your development can continue smoothly.