Launch your Movesense based solution at Suunto booth at CES 2019!

Suunto is one of the leading sports tech exhibitors at the world’s biggest consumer electronics show CES in Las Vegas January 8-11, 2019. Movesense will play a major role at Suunto booth. To make it even bigger, we are thrilled to invite you to launch your Movesense-based product with us in the Health & Wellness area of CES. Together we can make it a great success!
At CES 2018, four companies presented their upcoming Movesense solutions with Suunto. It was a highly successful event for both Suunto, Movesense and Movesense partner companies. A general conclusion was that together we reached much more than any of the brands could have reached alone.
One of the companies was Ain1, a Finnish start-up that introduced their first product (not cleared for sale) at the show, Ain1 Balance measurement application that uses Movesense sensor to assess a person’s balance.
“We got a lot of high quality contacts from the USA and Europe, from consumers to healthcare professionals and technical experts. Another big benefit to our team was the overview and insights of the latest technologies that you get at CES”, says Matti Vartinainen, CEO of Ain1 and continues: “It was also very valuable to have conversations with the Movesense team and to network with other companies in the Movesense community.”
To the upcoming CES, we will again invite 2-4 companies to join our booth to showcase a new Movesense-based solution. The package includes demo space in the Movesense area at Suunto booth, time slots to present the product at the booth, joint PR activities including a shared PR release, communication in Suunto and Movesense channels, and two free exhibitor tickets per selected team.
As a bonus, the intangible networking benefits and halo effect within the Movesense community will be highly valuable.
We would particularly like to see concepts that are related to sports, wellbeing, daily life, or health. Also other concepts designed for the consumer market, i.e. are in line with CES main themes, are welcome.
Here’s how you can join:
- Send your launch plan to terho.lahtinen at by the end of September. The plan should include at least the following: Description of your product concept, status of your current development project, timing of the commercial availability of your product, an overall description of your launch activities and the role of CES in your launch campaign and, your contribution to the overall Movesense awareness. Read more detailed instructions for building your application here.
- Depending on the number of applications, the progress of their development projects, and the fit with the overall Movesense story, we will select 2-4 partners who will be invited to launch their project in the Movesense area of Suunto booth.
- We will evaluate all applications right away and give feedback within few days after receiving them. Final selections will be made on October 2nd and selected partners are informed immediately.
- The selected partners will have a one day slot to launch and present their product in the Movesense area of Suunto booth. Suunto / Movesense will build PR around the launches.
Further criteria:
- The product should be shipping to customers latest during the first half of 2019.
- To maximize the PR impact, we will prioritize projects that can be considered as new announcements at CES.
- We will have a review gate in the end of October. The partner has to show a “ready enough” level to demonstrate that launching in January is realistic. Movesense team reserves the right to leave a partner out from the CES booth at this point if the project is not deemed ready enough.
- We will prioritize products with promising commercial potential. This is measured from the perspective of expected Movesense sensor orders during 2018-2019. However, Movesense team reserves the right to select the partners at its own discretion and is not obliged to give any explanations for the selections.
Other principles:
- Suunto / Movesense will register two members of each selected partner team to CES, free of charge to the partner.
- Partner will take care of its own travel and accommodation costs and arrangements.
- General booth costs are covered by Suunto / Movesense. There will be a screen available for partner branding and presentations. All other booth materials specific to the partner launch are covered by the partner.
- If selected, partner agrees to promote its participation to the joint Movesense area at CES in its own media channels.
Details of the booth presentation and materials, external communication and other practicalities will be agreed separately with each selected partner.
We are looking forward to receive your applications!
For further questions, please contact terho.lahtinen at or info at