Welcome to Movesense Developer Online Workshop on April 21-22

Many new developers have started working on Movesense sensors in the past few months. To allow a fluent start for all the new projects, we are organizing an introduction workshop to Movesense programming on April 21-22.
Both days, we will have a 1,5 hour session run by Movesense lead developer Petri Lipponen.
On Wednesday 21st, the focus is on the best practices of Movesense Sensor programming. We will go through how to get started, using sample code, Movesense desktop simulator and a few other key topics. You are also welcome to suggest topics via the registration form below.
On Thursday 22nd, we are focusing on the mobile side with topics like how to use Movesense Device Service library and Movesense API calls. We will be using examples for Android but the API works in the same way for iOS.
The event will be organized on Microsoft Teams. (Not Google Meet as previously announced) Registration closes on April 20 at 4:00pm Finnish time.
Finnish time (EEST / UTC +3h)
Wednesday April 21
4:00pm Movesense Sensor Programming basics & best practices
5:00pm Questions and answers
5:30pm Closing
Thursday April 22
4:00pm Movesense Mobile Programming basics & best practices
5:00pm Questions and answers
5:30pm Closing