Production volume estimation

Please provide your monthly NON-BINDING Movesense sensor and chest strap need forecast below. We are using the data provided for our internal production planning and component sourcing purposes. In other words we consider the information provided confidential and just between you and us.

If things change and you have new information available, no worries; just come back and provide us updated numbers.

You can always reach us via email too:

Fields marked with an * are required

Please estimate the number of Movesense sensors and chest straps (including size and colour) to be delivered each month.

Please estimate your monthly need for other Movesense accessories, such as wrist bands and mounts.

Do you have any special needs or requests? Please let us know!

We'd also be happy to hear if you have any feedback, requests, thoughts, comments or  greetings.

Please use the space below to give us your thoughts.


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