
Learn how companies have used the Movesense platform to build great end user solutions that are changing the game.

Firstbeat Sports

Firstbeat is the leading provider of physiological analytics for sports and well-being. The company transforms heartbeat data into personalized information on exercise, stress and recovery.

The Firstbeat Sports player monitoring platform provides comprehensive physiological analytics for team sports to help guide training and recovery.

The Firstbeat Sports Sensor incorporates Movesense sensor technology alongside the company’s proprietary Heart Rate Variability monitoring technology to bring focus and mobility to coaching. The system monitors players’ internal load through heart rate variability and external load with new movement intensity related parameters launched in autumn 2020.

The sensor frees coaches and performance staff from a receiver or laptop during sessions and an embedded processor ensures load calculations from multiple locations are readily available for post-session analysis. The system includes also a athlete app that help individual team members to take better control of their training load and recovery. Read about the Firstbeat Sports: Athlete launch.

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