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W2ND takes working out with a heart rate monitor to the next level with FFT-based digital signal processing. W2ND algorithms provide a non-invasive method to calculate lactate threshold in BPM and cadence in RPM. The W2ND app includes a non-medical ECG to determine optimum placement of the heart rate monitor, ensuring that the biometrics are calculated with accuracy. HRV, heart rate, cadence, and lactate threshold are displayed in real time on the app. All the data is stored for post-workout analysis.

Checking HRV upon waking up provides an objective measure of recovery from the previous day’s work out. Lactate threshold is used during long hard outdoor exercise such as competitive cycling or long distance running. Cadence is used for diastolic stepping, which increases athletic efficiency by synchronizing gait with heart rate.

Get your second wind.

Read W2ND founder John Steel’s interview with deeper product background.

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